Saturday, June 27, 2009


I woke up this morning with a very strong urge to eat nasi lemak and sambal ikan bilis petai. FMC took the children out for breakfast. I stayed behind coz I was busy cleaning the house. Anyway I told my kid to buy me nasi lemak and sambal ikan bilis petai.

They came back with nasi lemas ikan bilis sans petai. My daughter told me that the father took them to a different kedai which did not have petai. How disappointing...

Anyway, I should have known better.

Tomorrow is Sunday. As alway FMC will only buy NST though he knows that I always want to read MM. Yes, my Sundays won't be complete without reading MM. I will be restless. I love reading the gossip section and the DCCK column. The berpuluh tahun I ikut. Dari zaman anak dara sampai jadi mak budak.

Everyweek I have to go out and buy MM myself. Absurd. Kan boleh beli sekali.

Little things like these bring tears to my eyes.
Sakit hati.

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