Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sape pulak ni???

Hi dear,
So we finally got to meet. Tak sangka pula boleh jadi...
I really appreciate you taking the trouble to come over to S9 to see me.

It was really nice talking to you and indeed time flew rather quickly.
Ada banyak benda nak tanya, tapi tak keluar. Biasa la.
Maybe the next time we meet (ada ke next time? ),
we can ajak AB or even BN/HD to join us.

I managed to pick up my kids on time, so no long faces from them.
I hope you reached home safe and sound considering it rained heavily.

I am not quite sure if this mail will find its way to you.
I just wanna wish you all the best and I doakan yang bagus-bagus untuk u.

Remember me sometimes...
Bye dear.


My dear spider,

It was great meeting you that day.
I'm pretty sure that there will be a next time.
I'll make sure of that if you don't mind.

You know what, I have the same problem that day,
that I kind of tongue tied. But I really appreciate the pictures.
Finally I got to see them but I wish there were more.

Thank you for the doa2 from you.

I will always remember you. I'll call or email you from my new email address from time to time. Wish I could take you for lunch at XXX tu. They serve makanan pedas2.

Bye my dear spider.


I also got a disturbing text message from a misterious sender.

Aiyoo, pegi dating tak ajak kita je..Bbye

I tried calling the number, but nobody answered.

Sape pulak ni???


Nizam.Ariff said...

Parah tu... maybe somebody on the scene hv seen you both...

spider said...

Most likely. I wonder who, though.

Mula tu risau juga, but then what the heck. I told FMC already that I was meeting an old friend.
I did just that.

I was even prepared to introduce the two of them (incase FMC decided to have his teh tarik at the same place!)

By the way, thank you for dropping by.